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Showing posts from August, 2017

Keep Them Squares Up Out Your Circle

As I've gotten older I have learned the importance of surrounding myself with the right people. I've always been a lowkey person, never had a whole bunch of friends and it has never bothered me, well I won't say never. I used to want a lot of friends to do things with, to go on trips with, and to always have somebody to hang with or talk to when no one else was available. I've always felt like I was a great judge of character and I just couldn't fuck with anybody. Nobody is perfect so a few people slipped under my radar and I allowed them to be in my life even though they were toxic to me.                                                                                                                   ...

20 Something And Trying To Figure It Out

I graduated college. I have a job...I’m able to live and support myself so I guess I’m doing ok. Only I have a huge amount of student debt on my back and I’m living, but barely. I hate my job, but I need it to pay the bills. Long gone are the days where I could just lay in bed if I didn’t feel like going to school or call off from my work study job and not have to worry about losing it. If I don’t get out of this bed everything I worked for could come to an end. After college I expected a bomb ass job in the industry I studied for in college. I expected a pay that would allow me to pay off student loans, live comfortably, and travel. Instead I’m paycheck to paycheck, in grad school to defer my student loans and collect more refund checks (don’t judge me), and I have to pray and gather up my strength each day to make it through the week, to be overjoyed that Friday is here only to be disappointed yet again that Monday is here. At 25, I’m not doing horrible...

Follow The Leader

There’s something very wrong with this generation of men, and the main problem is that they don’t want to lead. As men, you’re supposed to be the leader of your family and the head of your household. This concept is becoming a thing of the past, especially in the black community. A lot of black men in the black community don’t know how to lead. Maybe it’s because they didn’t have fathers or any father figures to show them the proper way of leading. All I see on social media are black men getting multiple women pregnant and not being with any of them. Don’t get me wrong, not all black men do this. There are a few that marries the mother of their children and do lead their household effectively, but there are not enough doing this. This is not to bash black men, because I love black men, but a lot of ya’ll really have to do better.   My friends and I talk about this issue all the time, some of us are in relationships and some of us are single, but we’ve all come to th...